Who is Stephanie Stanfield, Ph.D., Th.D.?

Stephanie is a world-wide published author, accomplished teacher and energy medicine expert.

She is currently the only integrative therapy practitioner in the Colorado Roaring Fork Valley who had Dr. C. Norman Shealy as her adviser while earning a Doctorate of Theology (Th.D.) in Spiritual Counseling from Holos Graduate Seminary and her Ph.D. in Energy Medicine at Greenwich University.

She became interested in energy and energy healing techniques when she experienced a chronic condition that didn’t respond well to conventional medical treatment. Her exploration of healing took her into the fascinating world of mindbodyspirit healing techniques and she became interested in learning and doing as much as she could in this emerging field and teaching this to other people who suffered without relief.

In her integrative therapy practice, she displays a great talent for encouraging people to explore, for themselves, the expanding field of energy healing treatments available and find those that work well for them. She does many protocols including Access Consciousness BARS, Angel Card Readings, PSYCH-K, and many others.

She also teaches health and wellness, stress management and self-esteem classes at the local college so that her students can learn how to create and maintain optimal health at a much younger age that she did! She includes many aspects of integrative therapies in those classes, giving her classes a unique aspect that is missing from some more traditional approaches.

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